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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Sweeping the Decks

Apologies for that little hiatus we took. Apparently things got so ugly we couldn't bear to write about it-- we were laughing too hard.

Apparently the worst is over, or so the powers that be try to convince us. Gone are the days of ending up 9th, and now we welcome with open arms the days where we end up 12th/13th/14th/15th and start, ahem, drafting well. Supporters point to Philly as the prime example of how quickly a team can turn around, but for every Jeff Carter and Mike Richards there are a hundred Patrik Stefans and Alexander Daigles. And remember, they had Peter Forsberg under contract to dangle to Nashville. Leafs don't have that luxury with Sundin.

Are we taking an overly pessimistic view? Sure. But the Leafs have always proven us right.

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